Thursday, November 12, 2009

Which martial art should i take?

i am 5%26#039; 6%26quot;

about 150 lbs

stocky build

im looking for a good martial art for me, i dont want to take something really common though like tai kwon do or boxing, i really like ninpo (and all related arts) and hapkido but as they are so uncommon it is hard to find a school that teaches them so does anyone know of somewhere in either the northern michigan area or southern new york area that teaches these styles or something similar?

Which martial art should i take?
I found many schools of ninpo / ninjitsu at this address:
Reply:I am a taekwondo i%26#039;m blue belt about you should try Taekwondo, Muay, wu-shu and etc...
Reply:if you want something unique, its tough to find! so why take the trouble to find some martial arts that many people have not heard of and not know where to find them to learn? Take taekwondo! its easily accessible in many areas. wushu,muay-thai all this common ones would be good enough. and it would be easier for you to gain new experiences and obtain new skills as many its a common sport and many people learn it. even by watching matches of taekwondo,etc you can too gain experiences instead of an uncommon sport which little people learn, then it makes it tougher for you to learn new skills as you cant really catch matches of such martial arts on tv! p.s i am a taekwondo-er. pom belter. and i really enjoy it!:D
Reply:Enroll in Tae kwon do because its safe. During sparring you must wear body armor, headgear, arm and shin guard, gum shield and groin guard that%26#039;s why its safe. Taekwondo is best because it has amazing kicks.
Reply:It depends on your needs.

For self defence and staying in fit

I strongly recommend Muay Thai.
Reply:If you want practical martial arts, try Kali/FMA. Look it up and you%26#039;ll see that it is very useful in the streets because it includes knife handling, disarming, empty hand techniques from long and short ranges... It is also what a lot of hollywood films (Bourne Supremace, The Hunted) are using due to flashy moves and real world applications. Simplicity is also the basis of this art so its meant to be learned quick.
Reply:If you want something new unlike any martial art out there, I suggest KRAV MAGA. It is a hybrid martial art of boxing, muay thai, savate, jujutsu, judo, wrestling, and some karate. Its a fast growing martial art and has proven to be the most effective martial art used on the battle field. It involves real life situations, not staged out fighting. The principles are basic.

-Neutralize the threat

-Avoid injury

-Go from defending to attacking as quickly as possible

-Use the body%26#039;s natural reflexes

-Strike at any vulnerable point

-Use any tool or object nearby

-kill or be killed (for the most advanced)

Its the offical Israeli army hand to self defense that is now used by many countries around the world to train their special ops. soldiers. America uses it to train the FBI and CIA officals. Look into it, type it in the search engine, it will pop right up. This also gets you in great shape. This is just what you might be looking for. Just aviod Commando Krav Maga because thats a joke. This also gets you in great shape.
Reply:Traditional Okinawan Karate, like Isshinryu
Reply:Take Taekwondo. I am a white belt. And I am working on my stripes. And I have only been in TkD for about a month.

Getting the red stripes are easier than getting the black stripes.

Because You%26#039;d need to learn the form. Just getting the red stripes are just basic punches, kicks and the blocks. But the black stripes come every week or 2. So when you decided if you will be in Taekwondo than be sure to go to every class you can while you are a white belt. And practice every day. I know taekwondo has helpen me with my focus. And it also has helped me be more confident in myself.

I hope that helps u

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