Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is the difference in techniques between Ed Parker (American) Kenpo, Okinawa Kenpo, and Hawaiian Kenpo?

I here that there is a big difference between Kenpo styles. Yet I have never heard what is the major difference. For example I heard Ed Parker say he made his style of Kenpo, American Kenpo, more for street fighting with less %26quot;fluff%26quot;.

So what is the big difference and does one style of Kenpo get MORE respect then the other styles of Kenpo in the martial art community?

What is the difference in techniques between Ed Parker (American) Kenpo, Okinawa Kenpo, and Hawaiian Kenpo?
As a kenpo stylist I will try to answer your question as plainly as possible.

Kenpo / kempo, is an Okinawan / Japanese word. It basically means fist law or fist way, which is chuan fa / quan fa in Chinese. Many styles can and have used this name while having no relation to the original styles brought from China to Okinawa.

Okinawa is the basis of kenpo. There are many styles of kenpo that originated from Okinawa.

Kenpo was brought to Hawaii by James Masayoshi Mitose. From his teachings many of his students created their own styles. One of his students was William Chow, who founded the kara ho kenpo style. One of his students was Ed Parker.

All the kenpo / kempo styles share a certain amount of moves and philosophy. There are also some major differences, Some have to do with adaptations and additions, others are purely philosophical. They all have one thing in common though, kenpo is a highly effective and violent martial arts style, whatever school you learn it from.

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