Saturday, November 14, 2009

Whats the Differnece between Judo,BJJ,and Sambo, Not interms of History but The differnces in there Stradagy?

And Technique if any?

I already know the answer to this question however I had some people message me about who really knows there stuff about Martial arts and if you know about theses styles and are a student of atleast one you will know the differnece. Also this question%26#039;s answer is NOT on Wikipedia and a few other sites I checked so it%26#039;s not gonna be very easy to look up. You will eaither know it or not and if you don%26#039;t there is no shame in that. The People that do answer this question right though are the ones people should take advice from for Grappling arts.

Whats the Differnece between Judo,BJJ,and Sambo, Not interms of History but The differnces in there Stradagy?
Judo, depending on where you go, has become mostly learning to throw someone, very little ground work

Smabo, also depending on where you train, would be ground work and self defence from knife/guns, its specialty is foot locks on the ground

BJJ is all about the ground work, i guess they specialize in chokes and arm bar if anything but everything goes into BJJ pretty much

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